The Nomad Team: Volunteers
Nomad volunteers are kept anonymous, but are present and appreciated.
Executive Director Kaitlin Farver is a licensed veterinary technician with her own mini “zoo” at home. She can’t imagine life without her pets; she doesn’t want anyone to have to experience losing their pets due to rough circumstances. In Kaitlin’s spare time, she teaches yoga and is studying toward a Bachelor’s in Small Animal Behavior.
The Nomad Team: Board of Directors
Vice Chair:
Member at Large:
Dr. Adrienne Battle
Dr. Adrienne Battle
Melissa Bailey
Annette Elledge
Chair: Brian Stubbs
Brian grew up in the Puget Sound area and can't think of living anywhere that doesn't have the forests, lakes, and mountains we have. While he doesn't have any pets of his own right now, several dogs in his life have claimed him and have him wrapped around their paws.
For minutes of board meetings, please contact us at